The Honourable member of Parliament in Koidu City, Sahr Emerson Lamina has pen down an emotional poetry message to women of Kono District as the theme for this year is breaking the bias.
The Powerful emotional poetry reads;
It pains to be born in an unequal world
It pains to dwell in a world where women are kept cold
It grieves my heart because we are gold that cannot glow
Just because of a world where men fan women cold.
It pains to be born in an indifferent world
A world where men dwell in splendor and women in languor
in their ignorance they call us weak and only fit for labour
even though we taught them to speak and milk then strong
Like gold in filth, we are thought of as doomed in rubble
Only those who search the rubble discover the gems it holds
We have sprouted from the distaste and fears of being a woman
And briskly we will tell the world that we are no lesser than men
We will brace the scorns and taunts of being a woman
We will mount chambers and be cloaked in academic apparel
We will shout out loud what we are and what we ought to be.
For we are gold shrouded in filth by men.
Stronger and stronger we’ll blast the wall of stigma that keeps us low
And set the sails of change inflated as we crush through waves never slow
Piece by piece the chains and shackle of bondage are falling from our ankles
As we mount the seats of power in our multitudes as never seem before
Our lips and tongue will no longer clip in silence at our plight
Never again In fear of the bears and bulls of yesteryears
We will show our strength and wit never again in the kitchens
But as persons of eminence standing out tall even among men
Bow your heads in shame men who keep Kono women from fame
Fatmata Momoh, IJ Kabbah,, Sia Nyama Koroma and Fatima Maada Bio had lit the flame
We are not weak or unfit to compete as you often our nature blame
We are women intelligent, stronger and determined than we were yesterday
International Women’s Day is a global holiday celebrated annually on March, 8 to commemorate the cultural, political, and socioeconomic achievement of women/.