APC Presidential candidate, Dr Samura Kamara was on Tuesday, hosted by the Chatham House Africa to speak on the much anticipated Sierra Leone’s 2023 elections.
Chatham House Africa is a world leading institute for policy research and debate on Africa’s Politics.
Speaking about the Chatham House Africa Programme, Kamara stated how he gave an insightful analysis of the policy alternatives and priorities for pluralism as he lectured on the country’s 2023 elections.
“As Sierra Leone prepares for its next round of elections, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of the different policy options available and their potential impact on the country’s political, economic, and social landscape.” Kamara said.
He added that, he also shed light on the key issues facing Sierra Leone and offered practical solutions that can help promote a more inclusive and pluralistic society.
“I explored the various options available to policymakers, including economic policies that can promote development and reduce poverty, social policies that can address inequality and promote social cohesion, and political reforms that can enhance democratic governance and strengthen the rule of law.” He ended.