The presidential candidate for the main opposition All Peoples Congress (APC) party has today 7th April 2023 commended the Electoral Commission of Sierra Leone (ECSL) for its good job.

Samura Kamara made this commendation at Mafa Field, Lumley after collecting his voter Identification Card (ID) for the June 24 2023 election as distribution commences today 7th April 2023.

Samura Kamara stated that the recent voter ID is better than the last one due to his experience adding that in the last election, he registered at Kamalo in Northwest Sierra Leone but his name ID card was seen at Brookfields in Freetown.

Samura Kamara call on all citizens who have registered to come out in their numbers to collect their voter’s ID cards which will make them electable to vote in the June 24th, 2023 election.

He spoke about the tearing of political portraits in different places noting that everybody has the right to put their portraits in the streets without being destroyed.

He went further that as a politician, he does not believe in portrait politics adding that a well-known politician does not need portraits to win an election.

He confidently stated that he believes he will win the June 24th, 2023 election because he is the one the people of sierra leone have chosen to rule the nation.
