In a national address, Dr. Samura Matthew Wilson Kamara, presidential candidate of the All Peoples Congress (APC), provided a crucial update on the implementation of the Cross-Party Agreement for National Unity. This landmark agreement, co-signed by the APC and the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) government, is a strategic effort to restore and strengthen democracy following the contentious multi-tier elections held on June 24, 2023.

Dr. Kamara began his speech by extending greetings to the nation, particularly acknowledging those who recently celebrated Eid al-Adha and performed the Hajj. He underscored the values of truth, justice, peace, love, democracy, and honor as essential in overcoming the nation’s challenges.

Reflecting on the 2023 elections, Dr. Kamara expressed strong criticism towards the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL) for their handling of the election results. He highlighted a significant lack of transparency, noting that the results were announced without the required Results Reconciliation Forms (RRFs). This procedural failure, according to Dr. Kamara, was a primary reason for the APC’s decision to reject the results and withdraw from parliamentary and local council governance.

Dr. Kamara praised the international community’s timely intervention and the goodwill shown by the APC and Sierra Leoneans in reaching the Agreement for National Unity. This agreement includes crucial measures such as reviewing election management, addressing political retribution, and promoting political tolerance. Central to these efforts is the establishment of a Tripartite Committee, composed of representatives from the APC, SLPP, and the international community, tasked with examining the irregularities in the 2023 and previous electoral cycles.

Despite these advancements, Dr. Kamara expressed frustration over the ECSL’s refusal to submit disaggregated results at the polling station level. This lack of cooperation has impeded the committee’s work. He emphasized that the Agreement for National Unity represents a significant opportunity to bridge political divides and stressed the importance of political leaders prioritizing governance, service delivery, and poverty eradication.

Dr. Kamara compared the work of the Tripartite Committee to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which played a pivotal role in healing the nation post-civil war. He acknowledged that while the committee might not address all political issues, its goal is to ensure that the ambitions of a few do not overshadow the will of the many. He called for peace and mutual respect, urging Sierra Leoneans not to use the committee’s final report as a catalyst for violence or political vilification. He stressed that peace and justice are foundational for sustainable democracy and called for appropriate sanctions against those responsible for electoral malpractices.

Dr. Kamara concluded by welcoming the international assessment mission led by Fatoumata Jallow-Tambajang, former Vice President of The Gambia. He reaffirmed the APC’s commitment to the Agreement for National Unity, pledging to continue working towards electoral transparency, accountability, and justice for the people of Sierra Leone. “Let us embrace the opportunities ahead and work collectively for a peaceful, stable, and prosperous Sierra Leone,” Dr. Kamara urged. “Together, we can ensure that our democratic processes reflect the true will of the people.”