Dr, Samura Kamara will deliver the Independence Anniversary Lecture as Distinguished Lecturer at the University of Makeni. The Lecture will take place on May 1st 2024 at the University of Makeni Auditorium.

The Public Lecture with the theme Sierra Leone at 63, is politics a hindrance Navigating the Future: Democracy, Progressive Politics, and Inclusive Development in Sierra Leone.
Dr Samura ’s choice as this year’s Guest Lecturer stems from his exemplary leadership and growing nfluence as a committed democrat, people-centric leader, and an apostle of Good Governance and Inclusive Development in Sierra Leone.

As he leads the APC Party, Dr. Kamara, in an unprecedented move in the geo – political history of Sierra Leone, the international partners, particularly the Commonwealth, the AU and ECOWAS brokered a peace dialogue between the main opposition APC party and the ruling SLPP government in a bid to ensuring that peace, democracy and good governance are not undermined in the country.

It could be recalled that after the pronouncement of the election results by ECSL in June 2023, the main opposition APC party decided to boycott governance due to the incessant refusal of ECSL to conduct transparent elections and publish disaggregated data by polling stations to ascertain the veracity of the results pronounced among other things.

Apparently, the peace negotiations and dialogue which lasted for 3 days, ended on the 18th October 2023 with an agreement signed by the two main political parties and witnessed and endorsed by the international partners and the Independent Commission for Peace in Sierra Leone.  With all these developments, Dr. Kamara Played a vital role  for the signing of the said unprecedented agreement.