The former presidential candidate of the All Peoples Congress (APC) has held a Town Hall meeting on Monday to discuss the new constitution with his supporters in Makeni at the Joesal hotel conference hall.
Awoko report that He addressed the audience about the party’s new constitution being accepted. He says that this constitution encompasses all facets of existence.
“To run for national leader or flag bearer, a member must have a membership card, and that individual must have served the party for at least five years, be completely paid up, and actively participating in APC politics. The new party constitution takes into account all elements and is the best in the sub-region in terms of internal democracy, rule of law, and party resource management with integrity, honesty and discipline.”
Dr. Samura Kamara, who is again the favourite to lead the party in the 2023 general elections, continues to promote digital communication through live streaming, which will be replicated in each constituency during town hall meetings he will be organizing as he starts his campaign in earnest.
He averred that poverty has engulfed the young people, they have become the centre of attention, with young people labouring in car washes and cleaning gutters. Dr Samura Kamara noted that if he becomes President of Sierra Leone, he will rethink the role of youth by establishing programs such as youth in agriculture, information and communication technology, and other such initiatives.
Residents of the Bonthe district explained to Dr Samura Kamara why they have turned to the All Peoples Congress, because they have seen that he is honest and genuine as he looks to the younger generation to take up positions in governance.
They went on to tell him that the SLPP government has betrayed this country by abandoning Bonthe District and leaving it in ruins.
In his statement, Dr Samura Kamara said that the days of blind devotion are ended, highlighting the massive infrastructure development undertaken by the former APC government in the South and East. The election results in places where the APC did not receive any votes in the 2018 general election.
“Citizens must change the narrative and position Sierra Leone at the forefront of the country’s development. This is not time for us to continue to vote on tribe and region, but on the manifesto and determination that the leader shows to effect positive changes in the country. The economy of the country is in bad shape and I will never tell you that in six months I will repair it, that’s a lie, but with my positive action plan we will be able to turn it around within the shortest possible time.”
He called on the people of the South and East to think wisely and put aside tribalism and regionalism as he said that has been the same message he has been preaching in the North, Northeast and Western Area.
Dr Samura Kamara said he will continue to tour the country and push for his candidacy of the APC party that will eventually give him the chance to win the 2023 presidential elections.