The ongoing Corruption case between Samura Kamara and the State continued today at the High Court of Sierra Leone.
During today’s trial, the ACC Chief Investigating Officer, Joseph Bockarie Noah told the Court that when Dr. KaiKai, Sierra Leone Permanent Representative to the United Nations requested for assistance from the Chinese for funds to renovate the Sierra Leone UN Mission Chancery in New York he directed that the funds be paid into the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ account in Sierra Leone.
The witness further stated that the then Minister of Foreign Affairs, Alie Kaba directed the Chinese to pay the money into a private account and never told the government that the money had been paid until the Chinese Ambassador to the UN informed Dr. Francis KaiKai that the money had been paid into the private account provided by Dr. Alie Kaba.
The Witness said further that when the money was finally transferred by Dr. Alie Kaba into the Ministry’s account it was short by significant sum.
Below are excerpts from the witness statement from the then head of Chancery Mr Nalo (1st Accused).
1. Money was paid into Ali Kabba’s private account.
2. Mission did not make payment to contractor because the money was held in Ali Kabba’s ACESS bank account in Freetown.
3. Funds was only remitted until June 2019.
4. Eventually funds remitted was far below the expected amount and $137,700 was short.
5. Dr Kabba opposed adding two more floors as he held the money in his private account.
6. 5th & 6th floors approved in 2019.
7. Total sum $5.295m.
8. Vote controller was the head of chancery.
9. Procurement committee and head of chancery was responsible for procurement.
10. Head of chancery “I have Seen documents including Cabinet approval”.
11. Ambassador Francis Kaikai took immediate action to lock the agreement with the contractor.
12. Dr Kai Kai signed a change order of approval
13. Approval for the agreement with contractors was approved by the ministry of works.
14. Funds were delayed for six months before being targeted to chancery account- held up in Dr Kabba’s private account.
15. Project delayed because chancery didn’t receive money in time.
16. Funds ($500k) only remitted in June 2020 albeit funds paid in 2019.
17. Ali Kabba commented that the contractor is greedy and no further payment should be made.
18. A stop work order was imposed in July 2020
19. Dr Kabba was very hostile with the contractor.
20. Contractor suspected that Alie Kabba wanted money and asked head of chancery to clarify why Ali Kabba was so hostile.
21. Due to a stop work order fro the state of NY the contractor has no tone to close the elevator shaft rendering the guiding to adverse conditions.
22. Stop work order was imposed for safety reasons.
23. The contractor made progress with work before stop work order.
24. Alie Kabba’s allegations of misdirection of funds was not true.
25. He was very hostile to the head of chancery.
26. Verbal threats.
27. Alie Kabba encouraged officers to flout instructions from Freetown.
28. Alie Kabba had wishes to pursue his presidential ambition for which he wanted the support of the head of chancery.
29. The head of chancery pledged loyalty to the current president for a second term.
30. Saw documents including invitation for bids.
31. Did not see any bidding documents from bidders.
32. Saw contract agreement.
33. The contract agreement provided for methods of payment. Article 7 made such provision.
34. Trail is on pause