The Save Africa From Malaria Infection (SAFMI) Foundation has embarked on an innovative campaign targeting university students in Sierra Leone in a bid to combat the persistent scourge of malaria.

Spearheaded by Mr. Artem Volchenko, the Executive Director of SAFMI, the initiative kicked off at the University of Sierra Leone – IPAM (Institute of Public Administration and Management) with a dual focus on raising awareness and championing inventive solutions to curb malaria infections.With a paramount goal of significantly reducing the incidence of malaria in Sierra Leone and extending these efforts to neighboring countries like Liberia, Guinea, and The Gambia, the SAFMI Foundation is set to establish and maintain mosquito-control fish aquariums in strategic locations.

This multifaceted approach also involves community education programs highlighting the advantages of mosquitofish and fostering collaboration with governmental bodies, international organizations, and local stakeholders.

The cornerstone of SAFMI’s strategy is the introduction of Gambusia affinis, popularly known as mosquitofish, renowned for their prowess in biological mosquito control. These fish exhibit a voracious appetite, consuming up to 300 mosquito larvae in a mere five minutes, offering a potent natural solution to combat mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria.

Mr. Artem Volchenko unveiled the Golden Fish Project, citing the success story of Gambusia in malaria control. Notably, after their introduction in Russia in 1925, these fish played a pivotal role in the eradication of malaria in certain regions, garnering recognition through the erection of monuments in their honor. Extending their impact, Gambusia has been successfully introduced in 60 countries, including various parts of Southern Europe, Germany, Thailand, and the United States.Aside from their efficacy, Gambusia presents numerous advantages in malaria control. They are self-perpetuating, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly, unlike chemical controls, which can be both expensive and harmful to the environment.

Thriving in shallow waters where mosquito larvae breed, Gambusia offer an ideal and sustainable solution for mosquito control.SAFMI is urging the government of Sierra Leone, particularly through the Ministry of Health, to embrace this innovative approach. Emphasizing the need for trials and subsequent widespread adoption of Gambusia in water bodies across the country, the foundation envisions a significant reduction in malaria cases and the potential to save countless lives.

Engaging university students is deemed pivotal in ensuring the sustainability of this initiative. By equipping the next generation of leaders and health professionals with knowledge and commitment to innovative, sustainable solutions for malaria control, SAFMI aims to pave the way for a healthier future for millions in Sierra Leone and beyond.While the fight against malaria in Sierra Leone and neighboring countries remains ongoing, innovative initiatives like the Golden Fish Project offer hope for a substantial reduction in malaria cases.

The engagement of SAFMI Foundation with university students marks the inception of a new phase in this battle, heralding a promising future for the region’s health landscape