The attention of the Security Sector has been drawn to calls on social media asking people to embark on nationwide protests.

Let it be known that the organizers of the proposed nationwide protests have not followed due process. Therefore, the planned protests have not been legally sanctioned as required by law and are illegal.

Organizers of the proposed nationwide protests are encouraged to abide by the law and desist from all forms of illegalities to seek redress. Sierra Leone is governed by the rule of law, therefore, it is a must to follow due process in all endeavours. Any omission in this regard will be treated as an affront to national security.

The public is hereby warned to refrain from participating in the calls for illegal protests. The Security Sector will use all legal means to protect law-abiding citizens and maintain law and order. Any person or group of persons found to be in breach of the law will face the full force of the law.

You have been warned.