Sierra Leone’s Chief Minister, Dr. David Moinina Sengeh, has sparked controversy by accusing churches, mosques, government agencies and some homes of stealing electricity.

Sengeh made the claims during a press briefing, citing them as a reason for the country’s ongoing electricity woes. His comments come amidst the resignation of the former Energy Minister, a close associate of President Bio.

The Chief Minister expressed frustration with widespread electricity theft, alleging that “many churches, mosques, ministries, and even houses are stealing electricity.” He urged citizens to cease these practices, including using illegal meters or tampering with existing ones, claiming it deprives the government of revenue.

Sengeh’s accusations, particularly those against religious institutions, have drawn criticism. The public is calling for a transparent investigation into the alleged theft, alongside efforts to address the systemic issues within the energy sector that are causing the electricity supply problems.

Many have questioned the credibility of the accusations due to the lack of evidence presented by Dr. Sengeh. Targeting religious institutions has also been criticized as insensitive and politically charged, further inflaming the controversy.