The Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary Education. David Moina Sengeh has expressed his frustration over recent alleged thefts of School materials at the Freetown City Council
In his viral post on social media, Minister Sengeh start by asking the question Am I frustrated? and he confirmed Yes! . He pointed out that the Freetown City Council FCC has decided that they won’t be part of the distribution of 3million pieces of teaching and learning materials. Why? He believes They say they weren’t part of the processes prior. He then ask his readers whether it is Fair?
Dr Sengeh further argues that it depends on ones understanding but its same process everywhere and we have all city/district councils involved in other locations. He pointed out that the education officer writing the letter should be based within his ministry, and he suppose he hasn’t been doing his work well, nor has he been collaborating he guess.
He expressed his frustration over the alleged theft of School learning materials at Freetown City Council by stating ”We use FCC stores (from where we recently lost books and materials); the delivery and materials are based there. If they really cared about due process and most importantly the children, they’ll go and count for themselves and with our team and distribute, but rather, they will remove themselves from the process that gives our children books and write a letter like they are the good ones. Note: Bombali has been an area in the past where we have had challenges with getting materials distributed to kids. We find cartoons of books in schools and kids don’t use them. Furthermore we have had biggest struggles with the annual school census completed in Western Area and Bombali. I mean, for politics, you would rather deprive our children learning materials? Bombali did well in BECE 2021 and I didnt see them celebrating. Its ok I guess.”
He also further Pointed out that some private school Principals met him at his door, claiming that WAEC had locked them out for registering 1000 students online. He confirmed that he asked them when they tried to register and each person who spoke lied to him there and then. He stated that he checked their payment slips and it was inconsistent with what they said.
He concluded by stating that ”Others couldn’t register 9 students on the platform over 10 days, I mean months. I mean, if you are a Principal and you can’t register your kids on time, then something is wrong. Now, if we are not accommodating, they’ll say government and waec is preventing them from registering their 9 students or 1000 which, can affect planning for another 200,000. How is that fair?”