The Minister of Basic and Secondary Education, Dr. David Moinina Sengeh has expanded education radio coverage in the country to reach more children.
Yesterday 24th July 2021, a friend called me from Imperi, Bonthe district, reporting that he suddenly started receiving the Education radio 95.3 FM again after long. He further asked whether we had a breakdown over the period.
The answer is NO. We have ever been on air. The difference is that, we have commenced a nationwide maintenance on our transmitters.
Saturday 24th July 2021, our main transmitter at Leicester Peak in Freetown was repaired, it can now send radio signals from all cylinders, with full capacity, at 2000mega watt after a few months of low power.
This week, the Engineers will repair SEVEN (7) others in the provinces including the ones in; BO, Kenema, Segbwema, Kono, Mambudu, Magburaka, and Makeni.
Also, we will install TWO NEW 1000mega watts transmitters in Falaba and Kabala districts – courtesy of CRS.
By the end of 2021, we will again install FOUR (4) NEW 1000mega watts transmitters in locations mapped out by GRID3, after some careful study of the topography of Sierra Leone – courtesy of the World Bank. That will take our national coverage to over 80% and it will be the largest coverage in the country with 14 transmitters.
This is done in the bid to provide access to education for every child in the country, no matter your location, whether riverian or mountainous. This is what is the true meaning of RADICAL INCLUSION.