Towards fostering unity and stability, the Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) and the All Peoples Congress (APC) Party signed the “Agreement of National Unity” on October 18, 2023, following a three-day mediated dialogue facilitated by the Independent Commission for Peace and National Cohesion (ICPNC). Below is an update on the implementation of the Agreement of National Unity by the Government of Sierra Leone Sign by Chief Minister David Moinina Sengeh.

National Address on Unity and Cohesion

Addressing the nation as per Resolution (01), President Brig. Rtd. Dr. Julius Maada Bio delivered a compelling “National Address” on October 24, 2023, emphasizing the importance of dialogue, unity, and peace. The address resonated positively with the citizens, setting a tone for collaborative efforts.

End of Non-Participation by APC in Governance

Under Resolution (02), APC members are actively participating in Parliament, with the exception of a few councilors facing scheduling challenges. The commitment to oath-taking and participation signals a cooperative spirit between the parties.

Launch of Cross-Party Committee on Electoral Systems

Resolution (03) witnessed the launch of the Cross-Party Committee on Electoral Systems and Management Bodies Review on November 21, 2023. Both GoSL and APC Co-chairs have initiated preliminary meetings, laying the groundwork for addressing electoral concerns.

Release of Detainees and Political Cases Resolution (04)

Following the attempted coup on November 26, 2023, the Government is reviewing cases of released detainees, while the APC is urged to support the return process. Discussions are ongoing regarding the entitlements of elected APC officials, demonstrating a commitment to fair and just governance.

Institutionalization of Inter-Party Dialogue Framework (Resolution 05)

Chief Minister’s efforts to establish an inter-party dialogue framework demonstrate a commitment to open communication among political entities. The submission of party details to regulatory bodies sets the stage for a structured and inclusive dialogue process.

Rekindling Relationships and Investigation (Resolution 06)

Resolution (06) highlights the importance of rekindling relationships within the national socio-political ecosystem. While some relationships evolve naturally, investigations into the role of former President Ernest Bai Koroma in the recent coup attempt add complexity to the political landscape.

Condemnation of Hate Speech and Incitement (Resolution 07)

Both the GoSL and APC condemn hate speech and violence, yet security threats persist. The attempted coup on November 26, 2023, underscores the challenges in curbing hate speeches. Joint efforts are essential to maintaining peace and cohesion.

Establishment of an Independent Committee of Moral Guarantors (Resolution 08)

The commitment to establishing an independent committee of Moral Guarantors is underway, with the joint development of the list and dispatch of letters to identified institutions. The deadline for receiving names of institutional representatives is set for December 14, 2023.

As Sierra Leone navigates these critical implementations, the collaboration between GoSL and the APC appears promising, with challenges acknowledged and addressed in a spirit of unity and progress. The nation watches with anticipation as these resolutions unfold, shaping the trajectory of national unity and stability.