Sierra Leone’s Chief Minister, David Moinina Sengeh has re-echoed President Julius Maada Bio’s vision and commitment to the growth and development of the country.

The Chief Minister emphasized the significance of having a leader devoted to the welfare and advancement of the country. He noted that having such a leader is essential for the prosperity of any nation and urged individuals to seek bosses who share a similar commitment to growth.

He stated, “The best professional advice I can give is to find a boss committed to your growth. They are always sharing the passion for solving the country’s greatest socioeconomic and political challenges.”

Chief Minister Sengeh went on to express his personal gratitude for the support and mentorship he has received from President Bio. He praised the President’s dedication to helping him learn and grow, highlighting the importance of bosses playing a pivotal role in their subordinates’ development.

“I’ve been fortunate to have many amazing mentors and bosses before, but there’s none as committed to helping me learn as President Bio,” he stated. “We all need our bosses to play a role in our growth. This is important for me because I will make many more mistakes. I will need twice as much help, and people will share a book’s worth of my issues, vices, and challenges with him. At the end of the day, I am comforted by the fact that my boss is invested in my own personal growth as a human.”

In conclusion, Chief Minister Sengeh called upon all citizens to unite and work collectively toward the common goal of revitalizing the nation and making it great once more. He underscored this as the government’s foremost priority, urging everyone to join hands in pursuit of a brighter future for the country.