Chief Minister Dr. David Moinina Sengeh has led a team to visit several farm sites in Pujehun District.

This visit forms part of the broader ‘Feed Salone’ initiative, which is central to President Bio’s agenda aimed at ensuring that citizens grow what they eat.

The Chief Minister’s contributions to this initiative are notable. Dr. Sengeh oversees a 30-acre cassava farm in Womba and two additional 50-acre rice farms in Massa and Njadama. These efforts are not just personal; they reflect a wider call to action for all Sierra Leoneans to engage in agriculture, regardless of tribe or political affiliation.

Dr. Sengeh’s visit emphasized the collaborative nature of these agricultural projects. The farms are community-owned and operated, involving youths, women, and the elderly. This approach not only boosts agricultural productivity but also ensures inclusive economic growth and job creation within the communities.

The Chief Minister’s active involvement in farming underscores the principle of ‘Radical Inclusion’ and the government’s dedication to the ‘Big Five Game Changers’. By championing these initiatives, Dr. Sengeh and the administration aim to create a sustainable agricultural sector that benefits all Sierra Leoneans.

This visit serves as a reminder that while ideas may not come fully formed, taking the first step is crucial. The ongoing efforts in Pujehun District exemplify this philosophy, demonstrating that with collective action, the goal of a food-secure Sierra Leone is within reach.