Chief Minister of Sierra Leone David Moinina Sengeh recently addressed the residents of Pujehun District to provide crucial updates on the ongoing development projects in the area, emphasizing the government’s commitment to improving local infrastructure despite recent setbacks.

In a statement released on Sunday 23rd June 2024, the Chief Minister acknowledged the challenges faced due to unexpected weather conditions and fiscal constraints, which have delayed some projects. He outlined the revised timelines for the completion of key infrastructure works, ensuring the community’s continued progress.

“Hello Pujehun, I wanted to brief you on two critical infrastructures. On the roads, we were hoping to finish this season, but the rains came quickly, and other fiscal challenges made it hard. Here are the new update dates barring any other challenges.”

The pavement project in Pujehun is now expected to be completed by December 2024. Significant progress has already been made, particularly with drainage work on one side. The Chief Minister expressed optimism that the contractor would advance major works in Gobaru before the onset of heavy rains.

The completion date for the Pujehun Bridge has been pushed to March/April 2025. This critical infrastructure project is vital for improving transportation and connectivity in the region.

The Chief Minister also addressed ongoing efforts to improve electricity supply in Pujehun. “We are still having conversations to see what we can do,” he said, highlighting the need for a Townhall meeting to discuss tariffs and timing. This meeting will provide an opportunity for community members to voice their concerns and suggestions regarding the electricity project.

In conclusion, the Chief Minister reaffirmed the government’s dedication to the development of the Pujehun District. “We will continue working for Pujehun infrastructure and together,” he stated, urging the community to remain patient and supportive as the projects advance.

The updates from the Chief Minister have been met with a mix of understanding and anticipation among Pujehun residents, who are eager to see the promised improvements come to fruition.

In response, one of the residents, Bockarie Rogers lauded the Chief Minister for the update, stating, “We are in dire need of electricity, and the residents are generally frustrated because of a break in communication concerning the unfinished project in the district.” Mustapha also called for a radio show to give hope and confidence to the community.