SchoolNational Coordinator, Teenage Pregnancy Secretariat, Patricia Bah on Tuesday 21st June 2022 disclosed that sex education will be taught in schools starting the new academic year in September this year.
However, Bah disclosed that for a start, only selected districts will benefit, adding that as time progresses, it will be incorporated into every school curriculum across the country. Bah was speaking at the Western Rural District Women’s Fellowship Multi purpose Hall, CCSL Compound, Kingharman Road in Freetown at the post commemoration of the Day of the African Child.
The global theme for this year’s commemoration of the Day of the African Child is “Eliminating Harmful Practices Affecting Children:
Progress on Policy and Practice since 2013.” Bah stressed on the need for sex education in schools as well as outside of school. She cited various statistics from the Demographic Health Survey which reveals that 21 of adolescent girls get pregnant, while fertility rate accounts for 102 per 1,000 live births, and 717 per 100,000 live births. She attributed the above menace to the lack of sexuality education among school pupils and teenagers across the country. she opined that people, especially parents sees it as a taboo to talk about sex or educate their kids about sex education, while other thinks that discussing sex with their kids means that they are encouraging them to involve in sexual activities.
However, Bah was of the strongest conviction that having parents having such discussing with their children builds their confidence and enhance their communication skills. She disclosed that they have worked with the Ministry of Social Welfare to develop what she called positive parenting strategy. “The strategy will be developed to engage parents in order for them to relate well with their parents,” she said. She furthered that the Secretariat and the Social Welfare Ministry will try as much as possible to bring parents together and teach them about their roles and responsibilities in making sure that they bring up their kids in the appropriate way. Bah went on to mention that sex education should start in the home, for that is where the child begin to know how.
and when to relate with people and what to accept from people and what the child should not accept. Bah said sexuality education is age appropriate, noting that the child should taught different at different stages of their lives. “You cannot teach a primary school kids about sex, rather, you should teach her about her body parts,” she said.