The government of Sierra Leone, through the Ministry of Information and Civic Educagion has announced new fixed price for voice calls and data services in the country.
According to the notice, floor price on mobile voice calls will increase by Nle0.68, price ceiling for mobile voice calls will increase by Nle0.76 while fixed price for mobile data services will increase by Nle5.
More details shortly…
Oh Salone
We use to 🥱. Coconut Head una Try dey normor now anything una do we don gee una the power done 🤣
This country 😊 we don’t have to say anything again, we are only waiting for God to take control, but are really going through a lot. God help us and Mama Salon
The increase is not the problem, the problem is the quality of the service provided. These mobile company are not improving the their services. The increase is going with the same poor network services from these mobile company. The increase is right but please Me President you are to ensure that these mobile company provide us with better mobile network services so that we can benefit from what we are paying for.
Salone na country, increasing the tariff decreasing the services.
Sierra Leone country it’s very nasty to the nonsense
Hmmm 🤭!!
Why’s always we Sierra Leone 🇸🇱?
Poor country, poor people 🖐️.
God 🙏 please 🙏 helps us.
We’re going through a lot but no way!.
Just Air!!
We’re founding it’s very default in our country to benefit from it.
Whatta wicked people*
Call them “politicians”.
Very sad 😥.
Mr. President increasing the tariffs is a big problem when you talked of quality education that students need to do research for additional information concerning their notes. The mobile network is just as EDSA they always care about increasing their tariffs with poor service, just take a look at SMART mobile company and COMIUM too they just closed up their services off without noticing anyone by taking away our money just because of poor governance monitoring…AM SORRY TO SAY IT PLEASE MR. PRESIDENT BEFORE YOU MAKE INCREASE CONSIDER THE GOOD QUALITY FIRST OF THOSE ANTI.CLOCK WISE MOBILE NETWORK..I REST MY CASE….
Why tif tif nor dae boku na d country,hw una want d lay man for survive now una continue for dae eat haram money dem next world una dae gee we all we money dem by God e power
Soso halike na salone
Mrsrullers head’s all-time na nasty
God take control for the poor people’s that are in the villages.
What a bumshell. Tiffy- tiffy mobile company.
Thunder fire una
Am not blaming the company but a big blame to the government that controls every institution and decide everything for their interest only
Let the price of all goods and services keep increasing, the fact remains is that God’s children are still rejoicing.
We are not taken by surprise in all this inflection of price, for it was prophesied, promised, and now fulfilling.
The word of God is Yeee and Amen.