Commander Joint Force of the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF), Major-General Dauda Fred Alpha has recounted his harrowing experience of surviving a deadly attack in Freetown’s Cockerill and other areas on Sunday, November 26, 2023.

Major Alpha, who is currently undergoing treatment for his injuries, said he had been deployed to Wilberforce to address the situation there when he received news that their headquarters in Cockerill was under attack.

He recalled rushing back to headquarters through the Congo Cross Route, only to be ambushed with point-blank RPG bombs and multiple rifle shots at Murray Town Junction.

In the ensuing chaos, Major Alpha lost his close bodyguard, who was seated at the front of his vehicle, and his colleague Lt Col Samai. He also sustained critical injuries from RPG fragments.

Despite his injuries, Major Alpha and his soldiers managed to overpower the attackers. He was then whisked away from the scene by his men.

Major Alpha is currently undergoing medication and is scheduled for surgery to remove the fragments in the next few days.

He has expressed gratitude for the prayers and support he has received and has encouraged all Sierra Leoneans to continue praying for their country.

The attack on Major Alpha and his troops highlights the ongoing security challenges facing Sierra Leone. The government has called for calm and urged residents to remain vigilant.