Sierra Leone’s President, Julius Maada Bio, has taken a significant step towards a more sustainable and secure energy future for the nation with the launch of the country’s first dialogue on national climate resilience and energy transition plan. 

This initiative, in line with the government’s commitment to transformative change, aims to develop a Just and Inclusive Energy Transition Plan and a Climate Resilient Agricultural and Food Systems Strategy.

The National Climate Resilience and Energy Transition Dialogue seeks to gather input from diverse stakeholders, including the public and private sectors, development partners, and civil society organizations. President Bio emphasized the urgency of addressing climate change and its impacts on the nation during his Keynote Address, pointing out the dangers posed by climate variability.

Climate change not only affects the citizens of Sierra Leone but also increases the need for climate adaptation efforts. Rapid changes in weather patterns have eroded the productivity of local water and food systems, resulting in unintended consequences for sustainable development.

President Bio also shared his government’s vision for the energy sector, including comprehensive reforms to enable the achievement of at least 300 megawatts of new generation capacity by 2028, with a substantial portion coming from renewable energy sources. The government is also focused on mobilizing investments for 1 gigawatt of energy generation capacity over the next 10-15 years, serving both local consumption and export within the sub-region.

Sierra Leone is aiming to harness its substantial renewable energy potential and combine it with conventional energy sources to provide power and lighting to homes and businesses. The National Climate Resilience and Energy Transition Dialogue represents a significant step towards building strategic partnerships in the energy sector, enabling Sierra Leone to reach higher levels of ambition and success.

President Bio’s vision is clear: to transform Sierra Leone into a regional leader in clean energy access, climate resilience, and food security, all of which are critical for the nation’s sustainable and secure future. With collective effort and determination, Sierra Leone is on the path to achieving this ambitious vision.