A Government of Sierra Leone delegation led by the Hon Minister of Finance, Mr Sheku F Bangura, successfully recently concluded technical negotiations with the MCC in Washington DC on 9th May, 2024 on the $481 million compact programme for Sierra Leone.

The Compact when implemented will support the development of a sustainable transmission and distribution energy network across Sierra Leone that will support rapid economic growth over the medium to long term.

However, a tweet from the U.S Embassy in Sierra Leone has revealed that the compact in Washington, D.C Final MCC and congressional approval of this transformational investment in Sierra Leone’s energy sector now hinges on the report of the Electoral Review Committee and the implementation of resulting electoral reforms and accountability measures.

The tweet states “Yesterday, a Sierra Leone delegation led by the Minister of Finance, Minister of State, Minister of Justice/Attorney General, and Deputy Minister of Energy concluded negotiations on the terms of the @MCCgov
compact in Washington, D.C. Final MCC and Congressional approval of this transformational investment in Sierra Leone’s energy sector now hinges on the report of the Electoral Review Committee and the implementation of resulting electoral reforms and accountability measures. We remain steadfast in our support for inclusive democracy and prosperity in Sierra Leone,”

According to Sierra Leone ‘s Ministry of Finance the board will meet on 26th June, 2024 to approve the compact following which it will be submitted to the US Congress for ratification and later it will be officially signed between the Government of Sierra Leone and the MCC in the summer of 2024.

Other members of the delegation include, the Minister of State in the office of the Vice President, Madam Manty Tarawally, the Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Mohamed L Tarawalie, the Deputy Minister 1 of Energy and Power, Dr Eldred Taylor, the Financial Secretary, Mr Matthew Dingie and staffs for other Government MDAs and the SLCDU.

The Ceremony concludes with the cutting of cake at the roof top of the MCC building in Washington DC.