Between April and June this year, Sierra Leone recorded 739 Gender-Based Violence (GBV) survivors, including 680 cases of sexual violence and 59 of physical violence, according to a Quarterly Report from the Rainbo Centre. The report indicated that in Freetown, Bo, Kenema, Makeni, Kono, and Kambia, 720 females and 19 males received medical and psychosocial support across seven Rainbo Centres.

The report highlighted the Centre’s extensive outreach efforts, reaching 20,159 people (8,404 males and 10,072 females) with awareness-raising messages about GBV, its referral pathways, and the services offered by the Rainbo Centre. Additionally, the Centre followed up on 24 Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) cases in court; 17 were charged to the magistrate court, and 7 were directly committed to the High Court, with no convictions during the quarter.

The report also revealed that 31 teenage survivors were found to be pregnant when they visited the Centre following abuse. Moreover, one survivor tested HIV positive, and 147 were treated for sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Looking forward, the Rainbo Centre announced plans to conduct training on safeguarding and protection from sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA). This initiative aims to educate vulnerable groups and key stakeholders about PSEA policies and procedures.

The Centre also plans to implement gender mainstreaming training at national, district, and community levels to promote gender equality. Annual meetings will be organized to discuss medico-legal and psychosocial support services, improving coordination and ensuring that women’s voices are represented in decision-making processes.