In exercise of the powers conferred upon it by the Revised SLAJ Constitution of 2014, the SLAJ Electoral Commission has successfully conducted the national and regional elections of the Sierra Leone Reporters Union (SLRU) on Saturday, 20th July, 2024 in Freetown.
The elections were generally peaceful and orderly, and the Commission would like to thank the entire membership of the Sierra Leone Reporters Union (SLRU) for their cooperation and general comportment during the electioneering period.
The Commission had a Voter Register of 345 registered members who were eligible to vote. However, a total number of two hundred and ninety-one (291) members voted in the election. The Commission received 219 proxy votes for various positions, and there were 8 invalid votes. Voter turnout was 84.3%.
National Executive Elections
Secretary General: 291 votes were cast in the election, of which there were 219 proxy votes and 72 in-person votes (Valid votes: 287, Invalid votes: 4).
President: 291 votes were cast in the election, of which there were 219 proxy votes and 72 in-person votes (Valid votes: 287, Invalid votes: 4).
Regional Representative Elections
Eastern Region: 205 registered voters for the election, of which there were 181 proxy votes.
Southern Region: 13 registered voters for the election, all proxy votes.
Northern Region: 31 registered voters for the election, of which there were 21 proxy votes.
Western Area: 76 votes were cast in the election, of which there were 4 proxy votes and 72 in-person votes.
Election Results:
Following the successful conduct of the election, the results for each position were counted and verified in the presence of observers and representatives of each candidate.
National Executive:
President: Yeanor Esther Kabia – 235 Votes
Vice President: Uncontested
Secretary General: Zainab Sunkary Koroma – 222 Votes
Financial Secretary: Uncontested
Public Relations Officer: Ronald Joe Morovia – 65 Votes
Organizing Secretary: Uncontested
Regional Representatives:
Eastern Region: Susan Kumba Kamanda – 52 Votes
Northern Region: Florence Umu Kanu-Bah – 129 Votes
Southern Region: No nomination
The aforementioned votes were cast in favor of candidates who contested for the respective positions in the elections. In exercise of the powers conferred on the SLAJ Chief Electoral Commissioner by Article 12 of the Revised SLAJ Constitution of 2014, the following individuals are hereby declared duly elected as executive members of the SLRU Regional and National Executives:
National Executive:
President: Yeanor Esther Kabia
Vice President: Uncontested
Secretary General: Zainab Sunkary Koroma
Assistant Secretary General: Vacant
Financial Secretary: Massah Nyanga
Public Relations Officer: Ronald Joe Morovia
Organizing Secretary: Jonathan Turner
Regional Representatives:
Eastern Region: Susan Kumba Kamanda
Northern Region: Florence Umu Kanu-Bah
Southern Region: Vacant
Any registered voter in the 2024 SLRU elections may challenge the validity of the elections within seven days of this announcement.
The Commission extends its gratitude to SLAJ for providing financial support towards the conduct of the electoral process. Thanks are also due to the Regional Secretaries of SLAJ, the former SLRU executive, and the entire membership for their support and cooperation throughout the electoral process. Appreciation is further extended to the Electoral Commission of Sierra Leone (EC-SL) and the National Elections Watch (NEW) for observing the electoral process. Lastly, heartfelt thanks to the dedicated team of Commissioners for their unwavering commitment to the Commission’s work.