On the significant 33rd anniversary of their diplomatic relationship, Sierra Leone and Venezuela have reasserted their dedication to strengthening their bonds.

The diplomatic banquet held at the Venezuelan embassy in Abuja saw Ambassador Alberto Castellar Padilla and High Commissioner Rupert Dowu Davies expressing their enthusiasm to further deepen the relationship between the two nations.

Ambassador Castellar Padilla conveyed Venezuela’s dedication to collaborating with Sierra Leone, specifically in education and mining, aiming to expand opportunities for mutual growth. High Commissioner Davies emphasized the historical and significant ties between the countries, mentioning various areas of collaboration such as oil refining, education, energy, and more.

The high point was Sierra Leone’s recognition of Venezuela’s early acknowledgment of President Julius Maada Bio’s election, deemed free and fair. Additionally, Sierra Leone’s participation in the International Student Programme in Venezuela has strengthened educational ties.

The enduring 33-year relationship witnessed the signing of several agreements, including those on political consultation, cooperation frameworks, and intentions for collaboration in technology, telecommunications, and mining. High Commissioner Davies expressed confidence in Sierra Leone’s role in international forums, ultimately contributing to strengthening international peace and reinforcing the enduring bond between Sierra Leone and Venezuela.