Media Representatives from Sierra Leone have concluded a three-week Seminar on Constructive Journalism, Media Convergence, standard operations of the 21st Century Media, knowledge about China on Monday 27th November, 2023 at the Research and Training Institute National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA), in Beijing, People’s Republic of China.

NRTA, a ministerial-level government authority, directly under the state Council of the People’s Republic of China is charged with the responsibility for the administration and supervision of radio, television and Online audio Video sectors in China.

With the rise of Media convergence, Online Streaming Monetization Platforms, cutting-Edge Media Technologies and Fake News, the seminar facilited by some of the finest Chinese media Professors capacitated participants to strive to meet the growing demands of the industry.

Liu Linhai, Vice President of NRTA expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the media representatives from Sierra Leone for their support and Cooperation during their stay in China.

He states “We will convey your valuable and concrete suggestions and comments for cooperation during this seminar to the relevant Chinese govermental department and organisation.

During this 21 Days you have learnt about the Chinese society especially the development of the Chinese Media, Science and Technology and the Internet through various means, ”

The seminar which catered for 25 strategic sector players from the Independent Media Commission(IMC) Press Officers and Journalists from diverse media outlets was facillitated by the Chinese Embassy in Sierra Leone aiming to enhance the capacity and expose Media sector players to contemporary Media operations  strengthening bilateral ties between the two countries.

Speaking on the rationale behind the 2023 summit, Yan Ni, Deputy-Director General of the International Cooperation at NTRA revealed that though China and Sierra Leone are demographically far away from eachother but they never feel strange to eachother because since the founding of diplomatic ties between the two Countries in 1971, the two countries have enjoyed very good friendship and has expanded in Cooperations in various areas.She affirmed that during this process, the broadcast media have done a very constructive role to contribute to the kind of development between the two countries.

Khalil Kallon, Executive Secretary of the Independent Media Commission of Sierra Leone thanked the NRTA for the opportunity given to Sierra Leonean media representatives to visit some strategic Cultural Heritage sites and Media Institutions.

He further expressed gratitude to the Organizers of the Seminar, Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Sierra Leone for the learning opportunity.

The seminar Covers Lectures on Various topics ranging from China’a Radio and Television Basic Situation and International Cooperation,Constructive Journalism, Viewing China from Traditional Culture, China’s Foreign Aid and International Development Cooperation, The New Era Calls for a New View of Journalism, The Development Cultural and Creative Industries and Chinese Path to Modernization, Innovation of Chinese Short Videos amongst other Relevant Topics.

Participants visited the Beijing Exhibition Center, Forbidden City Temple of Heaven, CCTV Tower, Field Trips and Provincial Town of Fuzhou.

The Closing session was Climaxed with a Presentation of  short videos by participants about their experience in China. Special Certificates were provided to all 25 Media Representatives.