The Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ) held the induction of new Northern Region members on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at Where Else in Makeni.

The Association welcomed 29 new members from the Northern Region following their approval by the Membership Committee and vetting by the Credentials Committee.

During the ceremony, SLAJ President Ahmed Nasralla reflected on speeches given by former SLAJ Presidents Umaru Fofana and Kelvin Lewis during the Western Region’s induction on Monday, September 9.

Nasralla recounted Fofana’s emphasis on maintaining independence, accuracy, and accountability despite various temptations, and Lewis’s focus on the importance of upholding journalistic integrity.

In his welcome address, Nasralla briefly outlined the history of journalism in Sierra Leone and the founding purpose of SLAJ: “The association was established to promote freedom of expression and of the press, to advance the welfare of its members, and to offer protection among other objectives.”

Nasralla also explained the governing documents for SLAJ members, including the SLAJ Constitution, the SLAJ Code of Ethics, and the Independent Media Commission (IMC) Code of Practice.

SLAJ Secretary-General Alhaji Manika Kamara detailed the responsibilities of the new members, including the requirement to pay annual membership dues of Le 600, which equates to Le 60 per month. New members are expected to contribute for four months to be eligible for attendance at the Association’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) in September.

One of the newly inducted members, Augustine Brima Kanu, expressed his excitement about joining SLAJ: “It feels great to be officially recognized by the umbrella Association of my profession. Interacting with colleagues across the board is truly amazing.”