A cross-section of SLPP members of the Drivers Union in Bombali District, have complained bitterly of marginalization and ill-treatment in the hands of the hand-picked executive headed by a well-known APC activist, Daddy Grey.
They Complained further that they have been stopped from taking Part in all Union activities in the district especially in the main lorry park in Makeni city, claiming that Bombali district is an opposition stronghold.
Speaking to the Global Times in Freetown yesterday, their spokesman, Sallieu Mansaray alias “Sallieu Bio” accused the Resident Minister in the North, Abu Abu F Koroma of siding with the hand picked APC-dominated Drivers Union executive in Bombali district to victimize them even though they are registered members of the SLPP.
A delegation of the disgruntled SLPP drivers from Bombali district is currently in Freetown to meet and have audience with senior party “officials including the National Chairman and the Senior Adviser to the President at State House, John Benjamin.
A copy of a letter addressed to the SLPP National Chairman, Dr. Prince Alex Harding, has been handed over to the Global Times.
A member of the party’s Elders ‘Council in the Western Area has assured the delegation from Makeni that the matter will be treated with “utmost seriousness”. A spokesman for the SLPP confirmed last night that the matter was being discussed at the highest level of the party.
He refused to elaborate. Several attempts made by the Global Times to contact the Resident Minister in the North, Abu Abu Koroma proved unsuccessful last night.