Solomon Jamiru, Esq., the Press Secretary, has addressed the widely discussed issue of the US Visa Restriction on Sierra Leone.

He emphasized that both the government and various sectors are displeased with the issue and are actively working on a diplomatic resolution. He highlighted Sierra Leone’s credible institutions, which have consistently maintained their integrity in carrying out their duties, while emphasizing that the responsibility for the action lies with the US government.

“ These are actions from the US government so maybe the less we speak about it the better we would be able to clarify why this” he stated adding that, they cannot clarify on their behalf but may only speak on Sierra Leone’s situation and position on the matter.

He said the government of Sierra Leone, especially the President has been constantly engaging the US government before this situation, adding that, no government in the world might be happy for a travelling ban and that the people of sierra have to reflect on the effort which the government is putting for the multilateral relationship and protecting the image of the country as well as attracting different investors.

He said, they are always ready to engage with their counterparts to see a review of the decision as quick as possible. He said the government is always on it toes to have every action implemented for the good of the citizens and assured all that the issue is under discuss and may soon be a thing of the past.

“As a government we have comprehensively engaged different sectors and we may use this opportunity to still engage and see that this decision is reversed. We may not stop from engaging further on this matter” he summed up.