The National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) has honoured its newly hired staff members, a move led by its Commissioner, Ambassador Ernest Mbaimba Ndomahina, as part of the Commission’s ongoing rebranding strategy, known as Ndomahinalization.

The strategy aims to strengthen systems, processes, and procedures that ensure the efficient and effective implementation of community development projects.

During a formal welcome ceremony, Ambassador Ndomahina emphasized the Commission’s renewed focus on delivering community services, particularly in the areas of social protection, infrastructure development, and sustainable, community-based initiatives. He noted that the restructuring of NaCSA is aligned with the aspirations of the national development framework, specifically the Big Five Game Changers.

“I want to welcome you to the Commission and urge you to be part of the rebranding strategy. We are in a hurry to deliver community service, including social protection interventions, constructing and reconstructing community infrastructures, promoting demand-driven and sustainable development activities, and improving the speed, quality, and impact of development initiatives,” Ambassador Ndomahina stated.

He reiterated the importance of the new recruits aligning with NaCSA’s vision to push forward the implementation of projects that benefit communities across Sierra Leone.

Speaking at the event, Director of Admin and Human Resources (DAHR), Sylvester Demby, advised the newly inducted staff to adhere to the internal guidelines and directives issued by their supervisors. He commended the Commissioner’s dedication to creating a conducive working environment, enabling staff members to perform at their best.

“It is unprecedented for the head of an entity to personally present a symbol of honour to junior staff,” Demby noted, highlighting the Commissioner’s leadership in fostering a positive work culture. He further assured staff that senior management’s doors are always open for guidance and support.

Nyanga Kamanda, one of the new Community-Based Assistants, expressed her gratitude for the recognition and pledged to contribute to the success of the Commission’s initiatives. “We are honoured to be part of the Commission, and rest assured, we will work together to ensure the success of the rebranding and Ndomahinalisation strategy,” she said.

The ceremony concluded with expressions of appreciation from the newly inducted staff, setting the tone for their contributions to the Commission’s mission of enhancing community development throughout Sierra Leone.