Talking Drum Studio- Sierra Leone has convened post-election reconciliation and reintegration in different communities among political parties in Waterloo, Freetown.

The project is titled ‘Promoting Democracy and Electoral Freedom in Sierra Leone that is implemented by The Coalition for Inclusive and Peaceful Elections in Sierra Leone, Independent Radio Network, Sierra Leone Association of Journalist and the Talking Drum Studio Respectively.

The Talking Drum Studio use the media and outreach as a channel to foster dialogues and engagements to help find solutions to conflicts in Sierra Leone. They have been very eminent in the information sharing and connecting communities in terms of peace building and mediation within the country which are structured on diverse strategies.

The engagement was to strengthen the peace and promote healing and reconciliation after the elections and present was the All Peoples Party members and officials as well as the Sierra Leone Peoples Party members and officials, stakeholder, women and the different youth groups.