The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Alhaji Musa Timothy Kabba, has returned home after Successfully Performing the 2024 Hajj in the Holy Land of Macca, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The Minister on his return at the ministry was received by his Deputy, Mrs Francess P Alghali, the Director General and Ambassador at Large Dr. Victoria Sulimani and staff.

In his speech, Alhaji Musa Timothy Kabba, thanked Allah for making it possible for him to fulfill one of the five pillars in Islam, adding that this year’s Hajj was a miraculous one as over Three Million people went to perform the Muslim rite and over 1,000 were reported to have died.

“As a young man with faith, I have every right to say thank you to Allah who has made it possible for me to see the Holy Kaaba. My life is full of miraculous things and I am alive today because of my faith and trust in Him”.

The Minister further thanked his Deputy and Director General for holding the fort in his absence.
He also thanked the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for honoring him and other Sierra Leoneans during this year’s pilgrimage.

Alhaji Kabba admonished everyone to think positively and be a good citizen, noting that the Foundation of faith is love, humility and service to life.