Former police sergeant and firth accused in the ongoing treason trial Alimatu Hassan Bangura in her defense testimony denied intentionally harbouring Amadu Koita Makalo in her resident.

Bangura in her testimony told Justice Komba Kamanda that she assisted in Koita’s arrest by providing handcuffs to the police.

According to Bangura testimony, she was unaware of Koita’s involvement in the November 26 incident and had not communicated with him since 2021. She recounted that on December 4th, 2023, an unknown man entered her home and held her son, causing her to fear for their lives.

She continued that when authorities arrived, they identified the intruder as Koita, adding that she was shocked as she recognized his name from the wanted list for treason.

During cross-examination, Bangura confirmed that she had communicated with a person named Marion from England but denied involvement in any monetary or property agreements.
She also revealed that her phone had been hacked, affecting her communication.

Bangura described her arrest and subsequent mistreatment by police and military officers, including being insulted and kicked by the Inspector General of Police, William Faya Sellu.

Despite her connections to Koita and knowledge of his wanted status, Bangura maintained her innocence and reiterated that she did not harbor Koita at her residence intentionally.