Justice Kumba Kamanda of the High Court of Freetown has granted former All People’s Congress (APC) Youth Minister Bai Mahmoud Bangura separate trial in the ongoing Treason Trial due to health condition.

Bangura will start facing separate trials on July 10th, 2024, due to health issues that have impacted his ability to attend court sessions regularly.

Justice Kamanda made this decision after concerns were raised about the deteriorating health of Bai Mahmoud which has caused delays in the ongoing treason trial involving twelve accused individuals.

The principal state prosecutor, Ahmed Bockarie, argued for Bai Mahmoud’s separate trial, citing persistent delays caused by his late attendance at court due to health reasons. This situation, Bockarie emphasized, has hindered the progress of the trial over the last three sittings.

“Over the past three sessions, the eighth accused has consistently delayed proceedings,” Bockarie noted.

Justice Kamanda previously ruled on a no-case submission by Bai Mahmoud’s defense counsel, Ady Macauley, who contended that his client lacked any connection to the charges leveled against him. Despite the defense’s arguments, the prosecution presented evidence implicating Bai Mahmoud, including his association with Mohamed Jalloh, who was found at Bai Mahmoud’s residence along with military fatigues during the alleged coup attempt.

Referring to court records, Justice Kamanda acknowledged Bai Mahmoud’s acknowledgment of knowing Jalloh since 2014, both as a plumber during construction at Regent and as military personnel.

While the judge found insufficient evidence linking Bai Mahmoud to the attempted overthrow of the government, he ruled that the prosecution had presented enough grounds for Bai Mahmoud to answer to all charges in the ongoing treason trial.

In light of these developments, Bai Mahmoud opted to present his case by taking the oath and calling a defence witness, choosing this third option from among the alternatives available to him.

The trial has been adjourned to July 10, 2024, to accommodate Bai Mahmoud’s separate proceedings as he prepares to defend himself against the charges brought before the court.