In a devastating incident on Saturday, February 24th, 2024, tragedy befell the community of Bo as two pupils, accompanied by an okada rider, met their untimely demise on their way to John International Academy Bo to write the 2023/2024 Mock final exams.
The fatal collision occurred when a fuel tanker, identified by registration number ACW 222, collided with the bike rider, resulting in the immediate and tragic loss of the two young students who had aspirations of completing their mock final exams.
The grieving parents, overwhelmed by sorrow and anger, initially sought revenge against the driver of the fuel tanker. However, community residents and the police swiftly intervened, preventing further escalation of the situation.
The lifeless bodies of the victims were solemnly transported to the Bo Government Hospital for postmortem examinations. The entire community is left mourning the loss of these promising young lives, and questions arise about road safety measures and the need for increased awareness to prevent such heartbreaking incidents in the future.
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Allahu Akbar
Ya Allah pls take great control over situation ameen
Aaaa God this is so sad
So de okada man nor to morta man right???
So de okada man nor to morta man right???u for don say two pupil wit one okada man. Poor writer ✍
Ahh Allah..
The writer of this poem ..
If I stand to be corrected it three people involved in the fatal accident
May they rest in peace. Things are going beyond expectations this days, with all the length of time spent in school and today those people are gone like that. Most of these drivers don’t have time to rest.
My heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families, and may their gentle souls rest in peace.
Yeah….2 pupils an 1 okada man…. meaning 3 deaths….