UBA Sierra Leone recently received Bank of Sierra Leone (BSL) “No Objection” approval to publish its Year 2021 Audited Financial Statement which was earlier approved by its Board of Directors on the 29th of March 2022.
The Bank recorded a remarkable performance in the financial year with significant improvements across most parameters amidst the challenging year on a reassuring note despite the tumultuous impact and slow pace of recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic globally.
Specifically, on income performance, the bank recorded a remarkable Profit Before Tax (PBT) of Le158.7 billion and Profit After Tax (PAT) of Le118.7billion representing impressive year-on-year double digits growth of 28% in both cases. The 2021 PAT translates to a 39.3% post-tax return on average equity, 10.1% return on total assets and increase in our corporate tax payment obligation to Government from Le30.6 billion in 2020 to Le40.1 billion in 2021.