Renowned BBC Journalist Umaru Fofana has issued a strong call to action for President Julius Maada Bio to address the escalating Kush crisis gripping Sierra Leone.

In a recent piece titled “The Kushdemic is Evolving All of Us,” Fofana decried the devastating impact of the highly addictive drug, accusing the government of a lackadaisical response.

“President Bio must come out and speak directly to the public,” Fofana urged. “He needs to demonstrate genuine leadership and a firm commitment to tackling this crisis. A public address outlining a clear plan of action, with relevant agencies held accountable, is essential.”

Fofana proposes a multi-pronged approach, including:

A dedicated task force: Empowering each district to lead its own fight against Kush, with a lean and efficient national task force providing support.

Actionable plans: Developing and implementing clear strategies to combat Kush, with transparent allocation of available resources.

Public-private partnerships: Seeking financial assistance from development partners to address funding gaps.

Focus on results: Prioritizing effective solutions over wasteful spending.

Fofana emphasizes the urgency of the situation, comparing the potential devastation of Kush to the Ebola epidemic.

“While accurate figures are elusive, the death toll from Kush could be as high as the thousands who perished during Ebola,” he warns. “Unlike Ebola, however, the fight against Kush can be won swiftly with dedicated leadership.”

Fofana acknowledges the grassroots efforts already underway but stresses the need for a coordinated, well-resourced national strategy.

“The people of Sierra Leone are already fighting back, but their efforts are scattered and insufficient,” he states. “This crisis affects all of us, directly or indirectly. We need real leadership to overcome this threat.”