The United Nations in Sierra Leone has shown records of supporting the review of 22 laws that hindered gender equality in Sierra Leone.
The United Nations rolled out their ‘’Outcome 2 Transformational Governance’’ with key achievements ranging from, their contribution to the enactment of 8 Acts being the GEWE, Data Protection, National Civil Registration Authority, Political Parties Registration & Regulation Commission (PPAC Public Elections (PEA), National Land Commission, Customary Land Rights, Anti- Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling
The UNCT also contributed to nine (9) Polices, Frameworks, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Guidelines (Migration Governance profile Registration and Conferral of Legal identity to Refugees & Return Migrants SOR Gender Based Violence (GBV) & Case Management. SOP. National Community Health Workers Policy Global Compact on Migration guideline, Parliamentary Standing Order Medium-Term Revenue Strategy and the National Tax Policy
The UN also contributed to Sierra Leone achieving several global standards and improved rankings like on the Corruption Perception Index, Global Peace Index, Mo Ibrahim index of African Governance, and an overall high score in implementing the 2019 BITI Standard (875 points) in 2022’’ as presented by the UN in their 2022 annual results report.
They also recommended 6 of the 22 laws to be repealed in whole or in part and at least 6 new laws must be enacted to bring Sierra Leone’s legislative framework in line with international and regional obligations on gender equality and women’s empowerment respectively.