The United States Embassy in Freetown has issued a statement in support of the ongoing peace dialogue in Sierra Leone. As the second day of negotiations between the government of Sierra Leone and the main opposition All People’s Congress (APC) unfolds, the United States is calling upon all Sierra Leoneans to back their political leaders’ efforts to achieve progress.

The United States emphasized the importance of compromise in building robust democratic institutions for the people of Sierra Leone, deeming it a hallmark of strong leadership. The nation stands firmly behind those who are working towards a brighter future for the country.

As Day 2 of the mediated dialogue dawns, the United States urges all Sierra Leoneans to support their political leaders’ efforts to achieve progress. Compromise that builds vibrant democratic institutions for the Salone people is the definition of strong leadership. The United States stands with those seeking to move the country forward”

The dialogue, mediated by a team of representatives from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the African Union (AU), commenced last Friday in Freetown. The talks aim to address the long-standing post-election crisis involving President Bio’s ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP), the National Electoral Commission, and the APC.

The two-day dialogue is scheduled to conclude on Wednesday, October 18th, and is facilitated by the Commonwealth Secretariat, in collaboration with Sierra Leone’s Independent Commission for Peace and National Cohesion.

It is anticipated that these post-election discussions will serve as a crucial step towards resolving the ongoing political impasse that has gripped the nation since the controversial announcement of the June 24 election results by the National Electoral Commission.

The international community, through the involvement of ECOWAS, the AU, and the United States, continues to support efforts to bring stability and reconciliation to Sierra Leone.