In a recent social media post, the popular whistleblower Dr. John Idriss Lahai, who also exposed the formalities behind Dominion University, refuted claims that the University of Sierra Leone (USL) is ranked 23rd in Africa. ( According to Dr. Lahai, this assertion circulating on social media is a blatant lie.

In order to clarify his claim, Dr. Lahai provided some points to support his argument. He stated, “To clarify: the USL is not ranked 23rd in Africa (the continent) as a whole. They are ranked 23rd within the subcontinent — sub-Saharan Africa (a subcontinent of 46 countries). Sub-Saharan Africa is a subcontinent of 46 countries. There are 55 countries in Africa (if we count Western Sahara OR Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic; a country that is recognized by the African Union but not the folks over at the UN).”

Furthermore, Dr. Lahai criticized the Times Higher Education, which published the list of best universities, by pointing out inaccuracies in their historical record. He clarified that the University of Sierra Leone attained university status in the 1970s when it ceased being an affiliate of Durham University. Before that, most USL degrees, up until December 1970, were awarded in conjunction with Durham University in England. He highlighted that prominent figures, including former Vice President Victor Foh and others, were awarded Durham University degrees, not degrees from USL.

Expressing his dismay at the publisher’s ranking, Dr. Lahai mentioned that he sent an email to the Times Higher Education Board seeking an explanation for their conclusion that the University of Sierra Leone ranks 23rd in sub-Saharan Africa. He expressed skepticism about this ranking, citing issues such as inadequate funding, a lack of patented products, limited publications from lecturers, weak scholarly outputs from the few who publish, and mismanagement of the university’s administration. He firmly believes that these factors do not warrant such a high ranking.

In conclusion, Dr. John Idriss Lahai shared links to his claims, encouraging his audience to learn more about the statements he made. His passionate advocacy for transparency and accuracy in university rankings has sparked discussions about the validity of such rankings in the academic community.

“Here is the link to their erroneous claim that USL gained university status in 2005.

Here is the link to their sub-Saharan Africa ranking (the ranking for 46 countries) and for USL (the first western styled university in British Africa (founded in 1825)) to rank 23rd (as a country) in Africa is a disgrace.