The United States Embassy in Freetown has commended Sierra Leone’s Electoral Systems Review Committee (Tripartite committee) for their dedicated work, highlighting the final draft report submitted to President Julius Maada Bio as a model for constructive political dialogue and dispute resolution.

“The U.S. Embassy applauds the presentation of the Tripartite Committee final report to President Bio and recognizes the hard work and dedication of all members of the committee,” the embassy said on Twitter.

“The report is not only an important milestone in Sierra Leone’s democratic journey but also a model for constructive political dialogue and dispute resolution. While the committee could not agree on all issues, the 80 joint recommendations in the final report have the potential to transform Sierra Leone’s electoral system. By working together towards implementation of this report, we can strengthen democratic processes and foster unity. The United States stands ready to partner with Sierra Leone on this journey.”

The Tripartite Committee, consisting of representatives from the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) government, the All Peoples Congress (APC), and moral guarantors, was formed in response to the contentious June 24, 2023, national elections. The committee, led by Chief Minister David Moinina Sengeh and APC Leader Samura Kamara, was tasked with examining and revising the electoral systems to ensure future elections are fair, credible, and transparent.

Despite some disagreements, the committee’s final report, featuring 80 joint recommendations, has been lauded for its potential to significantly reform Sierra Leone’s electoral system. President Bio expressed his appreciation for the bipartisan efforts and reaffirmed his commitment to addressing democratic challenges collaboratively with the opposition.

“I am committed to deepening our democratic credentials,” President Bio stated. He extended his gratitude to the committee members and development partners for their vital contributions to this process.

Chief Minister Sengeh, speaking on the completion of the report, expressed his satisfaction with the committee’s efforts and the outcomes achieved. He emphasized the importance of the recommendations in reinforcing the principles of fairness, credibility, and transparency in Sierra Leone’s elections.