The Inspector General of Police William Fayia Sellu has warned parents and Head Teachers against butterscotch sales in schools.

The initiative from the IGP is a way of extending the awareness and sensitisation on the misuse of drugs beyond Kush.

In his address to community residents and senior stakeholders on the prevention and control of harmful drugs.

IGP Sellu advise that parents whose children are fond of butterscotch should start preparing it for them at home rather they buying it by themselves in schools. “We have discovered toxic in butterscotch sold in schools and we have raised the alarm”.

He also advised Head Teachers to be vigilant in their schools or risk their schools being closed, should they receive report of toxic butterscotch sold there.

He attributes the cause of sores on the foot of Kush victims to lack of free flow of blood and water due to chemical like Acetone and others use to manufacture the drugs.

He therefore urged the community to join the fight against the misuse of drugs.