Director of Crime Services, Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIG) William Fayia Sellu has showered praises on the Inspector General of Police (IGP) Dr Ambrose Michael Sovula for the massive transformations taking place in the Sierra Leone Police (SLP).
“Without fear or favor, the SLP under Dr Ambrose Michael Sovula is witnessing a renaissance” said AIG Sellu.
The SLP he went on to say has reintroduced ranks that were abolished by the British Born IGP, Keith Biddle.
The British Born IGP, he said reduced the SLP ranks from 19 to 9 which he said adversely affected police promotion and salary structure.
After 20yrs, Dr Ambrose Michael Sovula, he said saw the need for reintroduction of those ranks, so that police officers would not continue to be disadvantage.
He added that Dr Sovula has commenced the safe city project which was abandoned for years.
The safe city project according to AIG Sellu is to have Freetown and other cities in the country on CCTV Cameras.
“In the short time he has been in office as the IGP, he has made sure we realized the safe city project” AIG Sellu said noting that a control room is underway at the Police Headquarters where monitoring will be done.
The SLP under the astute leadership of Dr Ambrose Michael Sovula he furthered disclosed has introduced a system where all Regional Commanders and Directors no longer use paper to communicate with the IGP, everything he said is now digital because all of them have official email, minutes of Executive Management Board (EMB) and every bit of information that has to do with office is sent through email.
The biggest of all achievements to be seen soon he said is the expansion of the West Africa Police Information System (WAPIS) program.
WAPIS he said is a medium through which West Africa Countries share information of Crimes and Criminals and that Sierra Leone has five work stations in Freetown and four in the Provinces.
The project he said is expected to be launch on the 27th of January 2022.