In October 5, 2024, a significant press conference took place in Koubaya, Conakry, Republic of Guinea, marking a pivotal moment for the Former Presidents’ Wives Coalition.

This coalition, a vital initiative aimed at uplifting the often- overlooked lives of former Presidents’ wives across Africa, seeks to address the systemic neglect and challenges faced by these women after their husbands leave power or pass away.

André Toure, the former wife of Guinea’s late President Sékou Touré, opened the conference with heartfelt gratitude to the media for their support in amplifying this crucial cause. Toure shared her journey, emphasizing that it was her vision to establish a coalition for former Presidents’ wives, a dream that now includes notable figures such as Fatmata Nippe Sow Momoh, the former wife of Sierra Leone’s ex- President Joseph Saidu Momoh, and Isabel Vieira, the former wife of Guinea-Bissau’s ex-President.

Toure explained the coalition’s impetus: “We are here to combat the unfortunate reality that many former Presidents’ wives face after their husbands leave office. These women, who once held esteemed positions, often find themselves abandoned, stripped of their resources and dignity, and relegated to obscurity. We are united by our shared experiences and our commitment to change this narrative.”

The coalition’s foundation arose from a shared realization that former Presidents’ wives across West Africa face a similar plight. Many women, like the widow of late President Samuel Kedo, have echoed tales of struggle and loss, revealing a systemic issue that requires urgent attention. The coalition began with the support of several current and former leaders across the region, but enthusiasm waned due to disappointments and lack of sustained commitment from potential allies.

Despite these setbacks, Toure reached out to Fatmata Momoh to reignite their initiative, leading to a resurgence of interest and membership among former Presidents’ wives throughout West Africa. The coalition now stands as a formidable body dedicated to empowering its members and advocating for their rights.

The coalition has outlined three primary campaigns to guide their mission:

Restoration of Dreams: To revive the aspirations of former Presidents’ wives and ensure – they do not fade into oblivion after – their public service


  1. Combatting Humiliation: To challenge the stigma and neglect faced by former Presidents’ wives, advocating for their dignity and respect in society.


  1. Cultural Legacy: To create a historical narrative that honors their contributions by establishing a museum dedicated to their lives and legacies, thus ensuring their stories are documented and remembered.

Toure poignantly expressed the pain of her peers, noting how many have been treated with indifference and disrespect after their husbands’ political careers end. “We are not just figures from the past; we have played significant roles in our nations’ histories, and we deserve recognition and respect.”

As part of their revitalized efforts, the coalition will embark on a tour across various African nations, introducing their initiative to other former Presidents’ wives and seeking support from international partners. The official launch of the coalition is scheduled for December 19, 2023, in Koubaya, Conakry, Guinea, which will serve as a platform to solidify their goals and expand their network.

The coalition’s mission is not only about advocacy; it’s a call for international partners, governments, and civil society to recognize the vital roles these women have played and to support their initiatives aimed at creating a more equitable and dignified existence for former Presidents’ wives across Africa. Their journey is a collective effort to reshape the narrative around women in leadership roles and to ensure that the sacrifices and contributions of these women are honored and preserved for future generations.

In essence, the Former Presidents’ Wives Coalition stands as a beacon of hope and empowerment, uniting women who have dedicated their lives to service, advocating for recognition, and fostering a culture of respect and dignity for all former Presidents’ wives in Africa.