Representative from the World Trade Organization (WTO) Trade Policy Review Mechanism (TPRM) Michael Kolie paid a courtesy visit to the Honourable Minister of Trade and Industry, Hon. Alpha Ibrahim Sesay on the 18th of June 2024.

The visit, aimed at discussing the WTO Trade Policy Review Mechanism and its relevance to Sierra Leone, underscores the country’s commitment to enhancing its trade policies and integration into the global trading system

The meeting was attended by the Hon. Minister of Trade and Industry, Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, a cross-session of senior officials from the Ministry of Trade and Industry, and the Trade Policy Review expert from WTO. The WTO representative, Michael Kolie, emphasized the importance of the TPRM in promoting transparency, accountability, and stability in global trade.

During the meeting, Michael Kolie provided an in-depth overview of the TPRM, explaining its objectives and the process through which it operates. Noting that the TPRM aims to increase the transparency of WTO member countries’ trade policies, ensure compliance with international trade agreements, and foster constructive dialogue among member states.

The Hon. Minister Alpha Ibrahim Sesay welcomed the WTO representative, stating, “The WTO Trade Policy Review Mechanism is a crucial tool for Sierra Leone as we strive to align our trade policies with international standards. Stating that the review will provide the Ministry of Trade and Industry with valuable insights and recommendations that will help the Government through the leadership of President Julius Maada Bio to enhance our trade practices, boost economic growth, and attract foreign investments.

The Hon. Minister of Trade and Industry went forward by expressing optimism about the benefits of the TPRM. Noting that the country engagement in the WTO Trade Policy Review Mechanism is a testament to the Government of Sierra Leone’s commitment to improving its trade policies. He concludes by saying the government looks forward to the insights and recommendations that will emerge from this review, which will be instrumental in driving our economic development.”

The courtesy visit by the WTO TPRM representative marks a pivotal moment in Sierra Leone’s efforts to enhance its trade policies and practices as the last WTO Sierra Leone Trade Policy review was conducted in 2017. By actively participating in the TPRM, Sierra Leone is taking significant steps towards fostering a more open, stable, and competitive trade environment that will benefit the nation and its people