Sierra Leonean US Based Youth Activist, Entrepreneur and Project Manager Yulisa Ahmadu has today 11th April, 2023 launched his new project which aims at supporting a Sierra Leonean Based law firm (Non Disclosure Agreement) in providing free legal Services for 20 Sierra Leoneans at various correctional Centres in the country.

This project will facilitate the provision of lawyers to low-income earners who are in conflict with the law for minor crimes. The said targeted offenders are people who cannot reasonably afford to hire a lawyer to defend themselves in trial. Or afford to pay for bail conditions for first time offenders under the age of 35 years.

Meanwhile, The Constitution of Sierra Leone guarantees legal help for people who are charged with crimes which might lead to imprisonment and who cannot afford lawyer.

It is an open secret that Sierra Leone correctional facilities are overcrowded because low income earners who are conflict cannot afford to hire a lawyer or meet bail conditions. Lawyers can be very expensive. They are highly trained professionals with in-demand skills that makes them able to charge increasingly high fees for their time, knowledge, and services. But Yulisa Ahmadu is willing to hire lawyers to offer their time to help the less fortunate through this initiative.

This project will help in filling Some of the Gaps in the availability of Legal representation in the Sierra Leone Justice system.

Yulisa Ahmadu foundation continues to wow Sierra Leonean Youths. Just last year, the foundation launched the Yulisa Entrepreneurship Seed foundation where 2 entrepreneurs were supported with $2000 each to support their local businesses.