Her Worship Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr raised over $100,000 at the Rotary Club of Fishers, Indiana “Water Is Life” Charity Ball which will be used to construct water wells in Sierra Leone.
Her Worship who is the Mayor of Freetown was invited by the President of the United States of America, Joe Biden to participate in the virtual Summit For Democracy as a Session Speaker. Whiles in the United States, Mayor Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr delivered keynote address to over 350 guests at the Rotary Club of Fishers, Indiana “Water Is Life” Charity Ball where she raised over $100,000. As a Mayor who has passion and commitment to Transform Freetown, she has decided to extend her support to Sierra Leoneans in the province by constructing water wells so that they can have access to pure water. Her Worship took to her official Facebook page and informed Sierra Leoneans;
“It was a pleasure to deliver the keynote address to over 350 guests at the Rotary Club of Fishers, Indiana “Water Is Life” Charity Ball yesterday evening.
I am humbled by the words on the plaque that was given to me “Presented to Her Worship Mayor Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr, You Inspire Us! In honor of your “Service Above Self” to your city, country and around the world and your support of The WaterIsLife Project lead by the Rotary Clubs of Fishers, Indiana and Freetown, Sierra Leone. Your leadership and example is changing lives”.
It has been a joy to share this experience with Freetown Rotarians Christo Forster, Adonis Abboud, Saidu Kanu, Adelaide Dworzak and Sallieu Kanu.
At last night’s Charity Ball, a lovely couple bid $3,200 for a puppy on the proviso that I would visit them at their house and meet their children! So I had a whistle stop visit with the Guntwein family this morning on my way to the airport. I was excited to learn that they named the puppy Sierra!
This morning we also attended a heart warming inspirational service at the Heartland Church. Heartland Church has been a huge supporter of the Water Is Life Project for the past 12 years and being in their service this morning felt like we were at home.
The over $100,000 raised yesterday evening will contribute towards the building of 1,000 water wells in Sierra Leone, contributing to our #TransformFreetown Water Sector target.”
Her Worship will be a panelist in the session titled “Bolstering Democratic Resilience” on Thursday 9th December from 10.45am to 11.45am EST (3.45pm to 4.45pm GMT) at the Summit For Democracy in the United States that will be virtually hosted by President Joe Biden from The White House along with other Chiefs of State, Heads of Government, Heads of International and Civic Organizations and other non-governmental participants from across the globe where she will be discussing about strengthening democracy and defending against authoritarianism, fighting corruption, promoting respect for human rights and many more.