The 2018 general elections flag bearer for the All People’s Congress (APC), Dr Samura Mathew Wilson Kamars, has admitted that he has a zero tolerance for tribalism or anything similar to it.

He said Sierra Leone belongs to all and not to a single tribe, group or region.

“My Sierra Leone is my responsibility, he stated. He added that one tribe cannot rule Sierra Leone, and no single tribe can bring development to Sierra Leone; no one region, group or whatsoever can do that.

He continued that Sierra Leone is a small country and that when one is in power it should not mean that he is the best, but Just an opportunity, or privilege to lead. In that regard, he advised that any move towards anything un-developmental, should be resisted and should be discouraged.

“I have zero tolerance for tribalism, I have zero tolerance for marginalisation, I have zero tolerance for corruption and for anything un-developmental,”

He added that he Dr Samura Kamara is not a tribalist, as he has friends of different tribal lineages; he is married to a tribe different to his. However this, he said people are tagging his statement he made in Makeni to be preaching tribalism, but he said that is not so.

He added that the unfortunate part of what the people are saying is because they did not listen to his side and then jumped into conclusion; this is simply because the government does not want to be criticized. He emphasized that he is not trying to be a tribalist but just the reality of what is happening in the country.

Moving forward, Dr Samura Kamara said who loves this country, will never think of doing bad to the nation. He said you will always remember to love, respect the country and love one another.

He said good leader should listen to his people and should not make himself so powerful that he does not move in line with the people he is leading. He urged that politics should not mean that when you are in power it is for your selfish motives, but said selfless and about the people of the country.

He continued that it is a privilege for you to be in power and should not use that to help your family members and those closer to you only, but it should be about helping the people of the country for through whom one acquired the mantle of leadership.

He emphasized that leadership is about the people, doing what is right to the people, and that to be a bridge rather than a fence for the people. He said to make a country, or develop a country, is not a one man job or responsibility, but it takes a collective effort. Again, he warned that people should stop owing allegiance to the government of the day but the state. He said he has observed people like Paramount chlefs, the police and other public authorities like to say they serve the government of the day, which he said that is not patriotism and nationalism and should be discouraged.