As the Tripartite Committee’s work draws to a close, citizens are on the edge with multitude of conflicting information emanating from varying quarters. The recent height in tensions following a radio interview of the United States’ Ambassador has gotten many citizens asking questions about the essence of the Tripartite Committee if not for the purpose of restoring democracy in Sierra Leone.

The US diplomat’s comments on the possible outcome of the Tripartite Committee has sparked heated debates among citizens, with majority expecting recommendations that will see us hold fresh elections, if a direct transfer of power to the presumed legitimate winner is not visible.

The Electoral.Commission of Sierra Leone (ECSL)’s ECSL reluctance or refusal to publish disaggregated elections results only confirms the generally held belief that President Maada Bio did not win the elections on the first ballot. It is, therefore, imperative on the Tripartite Committee to do justice to the people of this country by clearly recommending a roadmap that will lead to the restoration of democracy through citizens’ votes. If this is not achieved, the peace and security of Sierra Leone will be seriously undermined.

Commission of Sierra Leone (ECSL)’s reluctance or refusal to publish disaggregated elections results only confirms the generally held belief that President Maada Bio did not win the elections on the first ballot. It is, therefore, imperative on the Tripartite Committee to do justice to the people of this country by clearly recommending a roadmap that will lead to the restoration of democracy through citizens’ votes. If this is not achieved, the peace and security of Sierra Leone will be seriously undermined.

Citizens of Sierra Leone are, therefore, A calling on our international partners to ensure that every vote is counted and the will of the people respected. Sierra  Leoneans cannot afford to continue to live in misery under this inept Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) regime. Any attempts to subvert the people will may result to dire consequences, which might be counterproductive to the collective aspirations of our beloved people. People have chosen to follow a peaceful path in the interest of all; but that is not to say they cannot bounce back and regain their democracy when pushed to the wall.

Let me conclude by clearly stating the expectations for majority of citizens:

Fresh multi-tier elections are conducted under a new ECSL leadership.

A run-off election conducted between Dr Samura Kamara and Maada Bio. A failure to recommend any of the above outcomes might lead to unrest and instability.

As we eagerly await the outcome of the Tripartite Committee’s work, we pray that sanity prevails among all stakeholders so that the right things are done in the wider interest of Sierra Leone and its citizens.