During the August 10th, 2022 bruhaha, I coined an article having to do with devilish acts of demonic persons posing as aggrieved countrymen. Leftists had some reservations, but for someone like me, I care less when people tend to use selfish desires just to propagate themselves.

Fast forward, we have seen another attempted coup and this time again, like we have seen in some other times, our major male and female correctional facilities were let loose; allowing inmates to unlawfully get out and now we are searching for a good number that have used the ‘opportunity’ to free themselves.

In this same article, I am looking into the Drug Wars against products like the Coco Samba and Orga Abeg. It is hoped that I have spelt these names correctly. Say what you may, the Pharmacy Board and the Standards Bureau have both not done their jobs in so far as the coming of the products are concerned. I say so because, the counter press releases have not helped and have surely not been helping the situations.

Notice that as I continue to write on these two subject matters and largely basing same on opinions etc, I am equally moved to expand on these discourses for our Expo Magazine and so we are in for some long ride if you ask me.

I am largely constrained to comprehend why compatriots will wish to cause unrest in this place. The incidences of both August 2022 and this now on November 2023 have surely not gone unnoticed. The effects have been telling, but for whatever reason, perpetrators have seen unreasonable justifications to embark on same.

Many a time, I have largely negated the idea of mixing these things with politics because and as we all know it, man by nature is a political animal, but for someone to go to an extent of disrupting societal existence and questioning and even terminating others’ right to life all in the name of governance, goodness!

I need not restate how we should have passed these stages, but oh! On the war on drugs, I am not a medical doctor, but my journalistic and academic observations have allowed me to make several conclusions and one of such is that our country is not the very best of places to get many drugs.

Again, the whole drug industry needs serious regulation and this is not just for the Coco and Orga drugs/beverages (now herbal stuffs). This is serious because, the other day, I was discussing with senior colleagues and we made to understand that some of these products make their ways in-country without due processes. Imagine!

The rampant selling, unsafe locations and even minors championing courses is becoming something else. So, when some of the institutions charged to do checks were beginning to suggest that they had not done same, more questions were mounting.

When we preach about rightist and leftist principles, I am always reminded to stick to that which is right. In all of what I have taught my hundreds and thousands of students in and out of this country, they can confirm in my absence that ‘what is right is right and that which is wrong is wrong.’

In summary, we all need some rethink. Those that want Maada Bio out of power for example must consider coming onboard to ‘help in governance.’ Authorities in charge of what goes out and what comes in, in our country should be able to maintain standard and rigorous checks. It matters because even if we do not have it all, le t us made do with our basics as we continue to improve as we go.

Already, we have a whole lot of issues to settle. Let us therefore allow not others to get the better of already troubling situations.