In the bustling streets of Freetown, whispers and debates about Joseph Sannoh, a renowned civil rights activist and long-time supporter of the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP), are growing louder. Despite his unwavering loyalty and significant contributions, Sannoh finds himself increasingly sidelined by the current administration led by President Maada Bio.

The sentiment among many youths who have benefited from Sannoh’s initiatives is one of disillusionment and frustration. They argue that Sannoh should abandon the SLPP, as the party has shown little appreciation for his efforts. “Joseph Sannoh’s loyalty to the SLPP seems to have gone unrecognized,” one youth commented. “If he had joined the All People’s Congress (APC) earlier, his contributions would likely have been appreciated and rewarded.

In an exclusive interview with someone closely associated with Heal Salone, it was confirmed that Sannoh has voiced his frustrations over his lack of recognition and support. Since being dismissed from his role at the National Communications Authority (NatCA) over three years ago, Sannoh has felt increasingly marginalized. Despite his sacrifices for the SLPP before, during, and after the 2018 and 2023 elections, his efforts have been overlooked, while others who contributed far less have been rewarded with positions and benefits.

Sannoh’s predicament highlights a broader issue within the SLPP: the challenge of balancing loyalty with tangible rewards. Many within the party feel neglected, and Sannoh’s situation is emblematic of this discontent. “People like Joseph Sannoh deserve better,” another youth stressed. “President Bio should recognize and reward those who have stood by him through thick and thin.

The youths are adamant that Sannoh’s best course of action would be to align himself with the APC, where they believe he would be more appreciated. “Sannoh should concentrate on his studies or return to the telecom sector,” one youth suggested. “His choice to support the SLPP was wrong; he would have been useful and compensated at the APC, a party known for rewarding loyalty.”

Furthermore, some argue that Sannoh’s continued support for the SLPP undermines his own Temne tribe. “With all you have done for the SLPP, risking your family and your life, what do you have to show for it now?” a concerned youth asked. “It’s shameful that you still haven’t learned. The APC is where your tribe is, and you would be useful and rewarded there.”

The call for regime change in 2028 is strong among these youths, who believe that Sannoh’s advocacy could be instrumental in achieving it. “Your voice and strong advocacy skills can save you from any commission of inquiries and possible retribution,” they urged. “Think wisely now and make hay while the sun shines. Bring the same dedication you gave to the SLPP to the APC.”

What is next for Joseph Sannoh? Will he continue to champion the SLPP, despite feeling marginalized, or will he heed the advice of those urging him to join the APC? For Sannoh, the decision could define his political future. “The SLPP does not want you, nor will they ever reward you,” one youth concluded. “Your biggest mistake would be to continue supporting a party that will not just marginalize you but also abandon you entirely.